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A minor who has been caught with either alcohol or drugs is usually ticketed with a minor in possession charge. This can be a serious charge, or a minor one. Regardless of the seriousness of the charge, if it is the first offense, a minor will usually not have to spend much time in juvenile hall. Instead, a minor may have to take Minor in Posession Classes. These classes are designed to teach a person about the dangers of substance use and abuse. These classes will inform the minor how dangerous it is to drink or take drugs, especially at their young age while their brains are still developing. The criminal penalties for something as minor as possessing an illegal substance can be incredibly severe. This education often acts as a good deterrent to keep teenagers from repeating the behavior. Once the minor has completed this course in drug and alcohol awareness, their punishment is fulfilled and they can move on with their lives.  

Tags: online drug and alcohol awareness classes
minor in possession classes