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I only had a few drinks when I was at my friend's house so I knew I would be okay to drive home. I lived a few blocks away and even though she told me I should walk or even spend the night, I thought that was silly since I didn't feel drunk. I wish I would have listened to her now because I was only a few houses from mine when I saw the police car behind me. I had to go through all the embarrassing tests before they charged me with DUI. I am just thankful that the judge only had me take an alcohol awareness class a few weeks later. He approved an online class because I live in a small town in Idaho and it would take me a long time to drive to the closest classroom.  This way I wouldn't have to miss any work.  I actually learned a lot about alcohol that I didn't know before, and it completely changed who I was. I did lose some friends over it, but I am hoping that I at least planted some seeds in their minds about the dangers of addiction and abuse.

Tags: Idaho alcohol awareness classes| dui classes online| drunk driving conviction| alcohol education and awareness
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