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I was ordered by the court to complete a 16 hour, level 2 alcohol and drug awareness class. I was angry when I had to do this because I didn't want to sit for 16 hours and hear a bunch of things that did not apply to me, or listen to other people's annoying stories. I had to do it though or I would end up facing possible jail time. I was able to find a class online that would meet the court's requirement. I intended to only give it the minimum amount of attention that I could but I found myself actually taking in everything that I learned. It was engaging, interesting and showed me that I was on a path that could lead to a lot of destruction of not only myself but my family as well. I just never really thought about the long-term risk factors involved but it is hard to dispute them when the statistics and science prove the overwhelming dangers of addiction. This has actually changed my outlook on everything. They turned out to be an opportunity to change my life rather than a chore.

Tags: court ordered alcohol awareness classes online
16 hour drug and alcohol awareness class