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Alcohol and Drug Awareness Classes

Alcohol and drug violations often come with a requirement for further education. This education is meant to prevent further offenses by teaching individuals the harms of excess. These classes are often time-consuming and expensive, forcing individuals to take time off of work, school and other daily obligations in order to complete requirements. Online alcohol awareness class changes this equation by enabling and empowering individuals by bringing this information to cyberspace. These classes are individualized to meet the requirements of different levels of offenses. Individuals can take these classes at a pace that allows them to fulfill their other life commitments, minimizing the impact of their offenses on their daily quality of life. Best yet, these classes allow the student to feel they are in control of their destiny and success. This enhances success and improves graduation rates, making online alcohol and drug classes an excellent option for people with many commitments.

The Biggest Mistake I Have Ever Made

I am 17 years old, and I have always been a good student, and an overall good kid. I come from an upper class family, and my parents have always been supportive of anything that I have needed them for. Last year I really made a big mistake. I went out with some of my friends, and they all wanted to drink alcohol. I am not a big drinker, though I do have a cousin that works at a liquor store, so I figured I would go get them some. I know it is against the law, but because I was not doing the drinking, I didn't think it would be a big deal. Well, I was wrong. I got caught with the alcohol and now I have been ordered by a judge to take some Minor in Possession Classes. My parents are still mad at me, and I learned that pleasing my friends has not been worth it at all.

Keeping an Open Mind in Alcohol Classes

Alcohol Classes are a great introduction to 12 step programs. Now, I know that some of you may recoil in horror from these programs, that you think they are cults, but it's been proven millions of times over that they work. Alcohol classes like the ones on, are a good introduction not only into the concepts of these programs but also because they give a bit of a reality check. That is, they show that these 12 step programs aren't horrible places filled with cult-like people. And if you are suffering from alcohol dependency then you'll need all the options you can get. So if you are going to these alcohol classes try to keep an open mind about what you hear. They may not even talk about these 12 step programs because God knows there are many different forms of recovery. If they do, however, try to keep an open mind. After all, This is your life we are talking about.

Taking Your Alcohol Classes Seriously

It's so easy to blow off Alcohol Classes. If you've been court ordered or your job is making you go or you have to be the for whatever reason, it's super easy to not care about what the instructor is saying and that's a shame. Here's a unique opportunity to learn about your condition and you don't care. I know because I've been there. I had a drinking problem (I still do though not actively) and had to go to these classes. I brushed them off. I got my slip signed and showed it to the people who were making me go while I silently cursed them. However, I ended losing work because of it. I had a chance to keep my job if I would've taken the classes and my condition more seriously. So if you have to go to alcohol classes don't be a putz about it. Take what they are saying seriously and make sure that you never have to go back.

Learning About Alcohol and Drug Awareness

Alcohol Awareness Classes are exactly what they say they are. It doesn't say that it's a cure or anything like that. I mention this because as a drug and alcohol counselor I've seen too many people go in with false hopes. They think that all they need to do to get control over their addiction or to get their job or family back is to go to a few awareness classes. This is incorrect and dangerous and needs to be show for the falsehood that it is. When you go to an awareness class you are expected to become aware. You are not expected to develop recovery skills instantly. You are expected to pay attention and get some information so that you can start planning a life without drugs or alcohol. The way that you get your life back is by repeatedly staying aware. This class is just the first step.