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This is a Turning Point

My son was charged with possession, and I am just thankful that the judge believes in rehabilitation rather than a more severe punishment. He was ordered to take Minor in Possession Classes, and I decided to join him. I was confused on why my son made the choices that he did, and I thought by joining him I might get some answers as well. It was an eight hour class that he was able to take online and though he didn't like the idea of me sitting there with him, we actually developed a deeper bond over this. As he learned about the consequences of his actions and what alcohol and drugs can do to a person's life, he opened up to me about why he did the things he did. Talking about his feelings is something new for him, but I am glad that he is finally talking about things. Life has not been easy for him, but I do feel this is a turning point now.

Online Classes Can Be a Big Help

I couldn't believe it when I heard what my son Carlos had been up to at school. The teachers had caught some students drinking and he was one of them. I fully agreed with their decision to give the kids a second chance and have them attend Alcohol Awareness Classes. They're obviously an understanding and caring faculty, and I hope one day my son realizes how lucky he is that he didn't get in deeper trouble.

The nice thing is he has been able to take his Alcohol Awareness Classes online. We didn't have to worry about transportation or scheduling so much, which makes a difference to a busy mom like me. I know Carlos has learned his lesson. It's clear he made a mistake but he can identify what he did wrong. No one's perfect and I don't expect my son to be. I'm just glad he's willing to own up to his mistake.

My Son Was Caught with Drugs

When I got a call from the principal of my son's school, I was not sure what to think. He requested a meeting that same day, so I had to leave work early. I was pretty scared because principals just don't make a parent leave work unless something terrible has happened. He told me that my son was in the boys' bathroom and was caught with drug paraphernalia. He believed my son when he said that it was not his, but he would not tell him who it belonged to. I think we both understood about his predicament, and the principal had no choice but to punish him. He told me that my son would be suspended for a week and he would also need to take Minor in Possession Classes online before he could come back to school. I am so thankful that his principal really cares about the students because I think most others would have just called the police. My son took those classes and is hanging around a different, and much nicer, crowd now.

We Both Realized Some Things

My son is only 15 years old but he acts like he is at least 30 in some ways. He feels he has to be the man of the house since his father and I are divorced. I used to think it was cute behavior until I realized that he was taking this role very seriously and was actually stressed over it. I didn't realize just how bad it was for him until he was caught with a small amount of marijuana. The judge in the case allowed him to take Minor in Possession Classes because he felt that my son would learn more from that than anything else. He was right too, because it opened up dialogue between us that really helped both of us move forward. My son understands how dangerous drugs are now, and I realize that my son needs to enjoy his childhood a lot more than what he has been.

I Don't Want to Destroy Myself

When I missed work for the second day in a row because of a hangover, I knew that I needed to do something. I couldn't go on like I was and I knew that my job was going to be at risk if I didn't start helping myself. I guess that is the day that I hit rock bottom because I had never before admitted that I had a problem. Before I changed my mind, I decided to take some awareness of Alcohol Classes. I had to find out why I was allowing this destructive behavior to continue. I had already lost some friends and I knew that my family was disappointed in me. I learned so much in those classes. I learned about addiction and how it can ruin a person's life if it is not dealt with. I honestly feel that I was just days away from having that happen to me. Now, I am going in the opposite direction and it feels good.